Friday, October 29, 2010

Wrong holiday

   'Tis the weekend before elections
and all through the county
stealth candidates hunker down
anticipating their bounty.

There's Frazier up in One,
created just for her return;
'hide and keep silent,' say handlers,
so you won't get burned.

If voters really know her
they'd go another way
and she'd have to get a real job
instead of the public pay

And Rothschild down in Four,
who scared the clientele
into thinking boogy government
is sending us to Hell.

His public image is phony
and his politics extreme,
full of statistical baloney
so he can live out his dream

And Shoemaker paces District Two
hoping others do not see
the other side of dark ambition
and the depths of political greed.

How appropriate that the holiday
is not Christmas like it seems;
No, it's just a scary scenario
at this time of Halloween.....

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