Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Questions for the candidates at the forum -- or any time....

    Wednesday night at the Carroll County community media center, the usual questions will be put to the various candidates for county commissioner. Everyone will assert that they will be brave, clean, kind and reverent and maybe even truthful, once the campaigning is over.
     Here are a couple of questions I'd like to ask.
     For Robin Frazier: There is an allegation going around that she told former county public works director Doug Myers that while she was working for a bank, she gained access to bank records of commissioner Julia Gouge, and found damaging information that "we're just waiting for the right time to bring up"? Is that true? (I have my doubts that they found anything, or we'd have seen it all over the place by now.)
     Follow up question would be, if she did access bank records of a customer for political reasons, can we trust her to serve all the citizens in public office?
    For Richard Rothschild:  Did he really tell a group of supporters that he believes people have a right to live in communities of people "like themselves."  What does that mean? What does he really do -- specifically -- to earn money? Is he a landlord in depressed neighborhoods?
     Does he believe in the Maryland Constitution, or does he consider it null and void? Does he believe in zoning (ask Frazier that one, too)? If not, what protections do homeowners have against land uses next to them that would destroy or damage the value of their homes?
     For all candidates, but particularly Haven Shoemaker: Is it your intention to turn back the progress that has been made on residential growth controls? How will that serve the best interests of taxpayers, when it was the uncontrolled growth of housing and a lack of planning for industrial and economic revenues that has caused county taxpayers to pay a disproportionate share of the bills for schools, public safety and parks and recreation?

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