Monday, October 25, 2010

Not yet ready for prime time club

   Overheard assessment of commissioner candidates:  "It's alarming how ignorant of the realities they all are."
    The specific reference was to the statement by District Three candidate Doug Mathias that the airport renovations are a drain on the county taxpayers; some of the most damning criticism over the months has been that they only reason the commissioners were moving ahead was because it was such a good financial deal for the county. Maybe Mr. Mathias only recently started paying attention.
     But there were other comments made that showed more astute observers of local issues just how much of a learning curve any combination of the five candidates will have before they are up to speed with the facts on waste to energy, the airport, taxes and spending, and even the powers -- or lack of them -- of the commission form of government.
     To my eye and ear, many of the statements by even the better qualified candidates are charitably defined as campaign rhetoric. Some comments are silly, like the one about the county's participation in sustainability planning being some part of an international conspiracy to bring socialism down on us.
     This is the truth:  There will be an election, and none of the candidates to lead this county are qualified to make any serious decisions just yet. So it can only be hoped that the survivors -- I can't bring myself to use the word, 'winners' --  of the vote have enough collective wisdom to contain the hubris of the moment and take some time to make sure their next moves are constructive improvements, and not just demolition work.

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