Thursday, October 14, 2010

Facts are fine, but the people bought the fiction

     Only 77 counties in the entire country, out of something like 3,000, deserve an AAA rating on the New York bond market. Carroll County got that from one of three agencies they visited in New York last week. Two other bond rating agencies gave the county those firms highest ratings for county governments. It was Carroll County's best performance in the bond market qualifications game in history.
     That was the report this week from our comptroller, economic development director and budget director. The agencies rewarded the county's performance in financially challenging times. It was noted that the county cut staff 12 percent, reduced costs, held the tax rate and did not dip into reserves while improving our debt to assessible base ratio and outpacing the state and region in holding on to jobs and expanding the business base.
     A national award for financial practices helped, and so did the fact that the county is one of the top four, if not the best, in the nation in its farm preservation program.
     In a word, the county is well-run. I will be the first to tell the world that excellent staff and good advice can make elected leaders look better than they are.
     Eight years ago, residential development was on hold, because too many plans had been approved for the school space available. Economic development was sluggish and mismanaged. Today, schools are adequate, two more projects are on schedule, and we continue to make gradual and incremental improvements in fire and emergency services support -- despite slowing because of reduced revenues.
     Economic development is better here than in the region as a whole, and we have a good record for helping existing business grow.     
     All of that adds up to good management, and good management means that borrowed money costs the taxpayers less in interest. Add to that the good judgment to pay off loans early and/or refinance when interest rates drop enough, and you have a double benefit to the taxpayers. It helps keep the tax rate down, maintains a high quality of life for residents, and would seem to ensure peace and tranquility in the land.
     The facts are in. Well, that part about peace and tranquility is wishful thinking, but the rest is all true.
     I often say that elected officials are only as good as the advice they heed. You can listen to people with bad information or a narrow political agenda and do an injustice to the county as a whole.
     Or, you can acknowledge that if you are not the smartest person in the room, you'd better listen to those who are smart. Listen to the planners, the accounts and budget directors, the economic development people (including the civilians who serve on advisory boards) and leave the politics off to the side as much as possible.
      Over the past eight years, I've heard from all sides on a variety of important issues, but the last people I listened to were the back room politicians.
     The bond ratings are proof to me that we listened to the right people, and set a pretty high standard for the next board of commissioners to meet, let alone exceed.


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