Saturday, October 25, 2014

It's in the news ......


     Another guy jumps the White House fence.
     Note to fence-jumpers: The Secret Service has been embarrassed and is ticked off, and they have dogs. Do not jump the White House fence.
     Go jump the fence at the nearest maximum security facility. You'll know it by the razor wire. Jump in and see what a real challenge is like....

     As for why the story about the original jumper changed over several days, my theory is that like everything else, the SS now has marketing people who want to weigh in and make sure the best image is put out there. It would be impolitic to mention that the guy got as far as he did unless it could be no longer denied.
     Then they had to deal with the fact that an agent did encounter the trespasser, but was overcome by the bad guy.
     Then they had to admit the agent that was overcome was female, which someone might consider a politically incorrect topic.
     So they got more dogs.

     Maybe the Homeland Security folks could guard the fence at the White House and pretend that the jumpers are trying to board an airplane to go to Disneyworld.
     And put bomb-sniffing dogs at the airports.

  Polls in Kentucky show that most state residents hate "Obamacare" but they love the state's new health care plan. When it was disclosed that the state health care plan IS "Obamacare" by another name, there was silence from the Right.
     The same silence you hear when it is pointed out that "Obamacare" is really Romneycare -- former GOP presidential candidate who pushed the health plan through Massachusetts when he was governor. Same plan, essentially, different name.
     These people vote.

  More people will die because parents refuse to have their kids inoculated against measles, whooping cough and other "old" diseases than will die because of the ebola virus -- even in Africa.
The story made the news once or twice, backed up by science and officialdom, but the media continues to scream headlines about another person with a fever passing through an airport near you.
      To regain your perspective, if not your sanity, read a good book for a day or so.


   A shooter gets into the government house in Canada and people in that country can't imagine how it could happen there. They had only five murders in Ottawa in the past year.
     Here in the U. S. we might be at the point where we have forgotten the name of another school shot up this week in -- where was it this time?

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