Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ferguson story is a lesson to us all

   Only about 12 percent of the registered voters in Ferguson, MO., voted in their last election.
   Now, after who knows how many trumped up charges that produce fines to keep tax rates down in the suburban St. Louis community, and the death of a young black man -- some would say another death of a young black man -- people have taken to the street to demand more say in how the town is run.
   Good for them. Take charge of your own town, send the bad cops packing, change the leadership, participate, campaign, debate, get engaged, back a plan and vote. Then stay up on things and speak out, write letters to the editor or, if you have to, start your own news letter and walk copies door to door.
   Better that walking down the street after the disaster.
    Then all the spectators, including the gluttonous media, can go find another source of entertainment.
    If you think it can't happen where you live, sit back, don't give a hoot who runs for office or how those who do administer everything from public contracts to public safety, and you, too, can become a victim of those who will step into any situation that can be exploited for their own power and wealth.

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