Monday, October 17, 2011

It's more like wee wee on the people . . .

     "We the people" used to be a term to be respected, but the perverse interpretations it takes on when used by those who spew hatred do our Constitution a disservice.
     The original words were written by people of character and courage, who signed their names to the document dedicated to higher ideals, just as the writers of the Declaration of Independence signed theirs.
     When I hear and read some of the things said by the self-anointed guardians of American patriotism and freedom, most of them with pseudonyms, it seems they are hiding behind a good idea to destroy true democratic discourse -- or their opponents' reputations.
     That's when free speech gets as offensive as urinating in public.
     Like drunks outside a neighborhood bar, they think they're amusing, or sharing a bonding, rebellious moment, but the fact is they are ugly, repulsive and self-defeating.
     No-class knows class when it sees it, only class knows no-class when it sees it.

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