Saturday, October 29, 2011

How to fix just about anything

     Sooner or later, table talk at any morning coffee klatch will turn to what's broken, which is just about everything from Congress to sports.

     I have a partial list of my own, and some solutions:

     How to fix Congress:  1. For the next 12 years, elect all women. Men swagger too much.  Make them earn a return to Washington politics. 2. Elect House members to four year terms and limit them to two consecutive terms. If they take a term off, they can run again for one term. 3. Elect no one who has not had a job in the real world for at least 12 years (lawyers must have 20 years' in a grocery store or retail, or some other work involving everyday people). 4. Make it a felony for anyone leaving public office to go to work as a lobbyist until they have spent at least six years in charitable work for no pay.
     How to fix major league baseball:  1. Use the strike zone as set by the rulebook, not the umpires and the hitters' union. 2. Start the games on time, limit the time between half innings to a minute and a half, and stop pandering to the people who pay for commercials. They can advertise in the normal time it takes a team to take the field and warm up the pitcher, or forget about it. 3. Compensate for the loss of revenue by not paying players so much. They don't need and don't deserve to take home more than the national gross product of most of the world's nations. 4. Make the owners pay for new ball parks, and require that only residents of the city or at least the state in which the team plays may own a team. 5. Eliminate free agency bidding. Limits on salaries would stop the inflation of salaries. Players can still move to another team, but for no more than three percent more than they earned with their previous team.
     How to fix pro football:  1. Play it like they play it in high school and college, and banish forever any player who comes to dance instead of make the plays.  2. Exile any player who gets too violent to the showers in the nearest maximum security prison for one week.
     How to fix road rage and traffic congestion problems: 1. Take cars away from aggressive drivers and require that they commute to work on a Big Wheel toy tricycle.
     This is just a partial list, of course, and I really haven't given them any more than any of the Republican candidates have to their tax reform plans, but hey, it's a start.

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