Monday, January 24, 2011

What matters

     If it is not the UNITED States of America, it doesn't matter:
     It cannot be the Tea Party States of America, or
     The GOP states of America, or
     The Democrat States of America, or
     The conservative states of America, or
     The liberal states of America, or
     The Christian states or the Jewish or Muslim or Bhuddist or athiestic states, or
     The Blue states, or the Red states, or
     The NRA states, or
     The Move On states, or
     The coastal states, or the heartland states, or the Bible Belt states.
     It cannot be the North, or the South, or the continental states.
     Unless it remains, and reaffirms, the strength of United States, nothing else matters, at least in political terms.
     So all of the above have to find a way to accomodate all the others, or we are nothing but an empty promise, a wonderful experiment that in the larger frame was not a treasure for all humanity, but just a glimmer of fool's gold.    

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