Saturday, January 22, 2011

Senior social calendar

    Joe calls Al:  Let's have lunch with Mort.
    Al:  How about Tuesday?
    Joe: I have a colonoscopy Tuesday. How about Friday?
    Al: My day to see the diabetes doctor. Next Monday?
    Joe:  I get my nerve conduction test then. I can make it next Tuesday.
    Al:  Just checked with Mort. He has an MRI that day. Wednesday"
    Joe: Cardiologist.
    Al: Thursday?
    Joe:  Sounds good. But I may be late because I have an appointment with the arthritis doctor.
     Al:  Okay, but I have a 2 p.m with the foot doctor. Maybe we should hold off until Friday a week?
    Joe: Check with Mort.
    Al:  He's going to check with his ear nose and throat guy to see if he can move his appointment up.
    Joe:  I have my annual physical Monday two weeks from now. And I have to get blood work done before that, fasting, so breakfast is out.
    Al:  Maybe the week after that?
    Joe: If we're still here.
    Al: How about drinks at the Moose tomorrow at 3?
    Joe:  Bingo!

     Everybody has an opinion

    I saw this in my readings of the past week, attributed to Stephen Randall, The Los Angeles Times:
    "We live in an era in which it is important to have opinions. Not necessarily smart or original ones; almost any opinion will do as long as it's forcefully expressed. We post them on Facebook; we tweet them; we express them in comments on Huffington Post. It wasn't that long ago that opinions were something carefully considered and weighed, so that they'd stand the test of time and reflect well on the author. Thinkers were like gourmet chefs laboring over an elaborate meal they wanted to be perfect. But today, opinions are like Big Macs -- thrown together hastily, served by the billions, and not very good for you."

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