Tuesday, January 11, 2011

After Tucson, what is left to debate?

   As a lifelong news guy, I have surfed all the coverage of the events in Arizona that I can, and it makes me wonder if we ever learn.
    I visited the Murrah Building Memorial in Oklahoma City a couple of years ago, and what really grabbed me then was the carnage visited on Americans -- women, children, older citizens -- by Americans. Two weeks after that bombing, Rush Limbaugh, the hero of the American Right wrote an editorial with the headline, Why I am Not To Blame.
   In the days after the shootings at an Arizona shopping center, the Rabid Right is all over Fox news and the talk shows and the internet saying they are not to blame.
   Hatred is the fuel for evil deeds, often carried out by people who do not fully understand their own actions.
    I support the Constitution; I do not support hate speech to support the Constitution.
    I support the right to free speech. I do not support the right to inflame masses by spreading lies and half truths because I am frustrated and angry.
    I support the right to own firearms. I will not defend the right to show off automatic weapons at political rallies, or places where our politicians gather to address the public.
    I support reason. I do not support the excuses of the hate mongers, after murders of nine year old children, that they bear no responsibility.
    I agree that guns do not kill people, people kill people; but if ideas are worth dying for, then it seems to follow that words and ideas also can kill. Use them with as much care as you would a loaded automatic pistol.

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