Sunday, November 7, 2010

Will we see a return to the bad old days; looks like it

     Commissioner-elect Robin Frazier will have to wait another month before she and her back-room handlers can begin tampering with planning commissions and other processes.
      This is where I came in, and I am not finished yet. I step down the first week in December, but until then I will continue to do what I ran for commissioner to do back in 2002 -- protect the processes from the corruption of insider politicians and special interests, and open up the workings of local government to make them as transparent as possible.
     Frazier was a member of the board of commissioners in the late 1990s, a board which was allegedly run not from the third floor, but from the kitchen phone of an influential developer/investor. At least that's what the influential meddler said; he bragged as much to me and several others who have told me they were amazed at the lack of discretion.
     It was this developer, with the help of several other anti-planning, anti-zoning activists, who insinuated that a member of the planning commission at the time was guilty of conflict of interest and perhaps worse.
     The real story turned out to be that the gentleman was guilty of nothing more than refusing to be bullied by Frazier's friends. They put enough pressure on him that he eventually  resigned. I know, because I was duped into breaking the story about the controversy, and I am not proud of being used like that.
     In fact, when I realized that I had been lied to, I told my wife I thought I should run for public office to help clean up the mess. She agreed, and I served two terms in office in what might be called an attempt at redemption.
     During the past eight years, I have had a hand in an untold number of appointments of county citizens to various boards and commissions. I made a point of seeking balance, even to the point of placing people on the planning commission, the economic development commission and others that I knew had different opinions than my own. I did not care whether they were Republicans or Democrats, but I did value character, integrity, experience and ability.
     Based on the actions and words of Commissioner elect Frazier, and by their signature on the letter asking that the current board leave the job of filling any current vacancies to them, I assume they have different criteria in mind.
     I have no second thoughts about the quality of people who have been serving the county on the ethics commission, planning and zoning, economic development, industrial development authority, board of zoning appeals of the environmental affairs council. The latest appointments, made last week before we got the request from Frazier, et al, have impeccable reputations and years of service with parks and recreation at the county level, business, the Chamber of Commerce, hospital, library board and other volunteer work and community service.
     My only fear is that they will be subjected to the same intimidation and political and self-serving tactics of the land owners, speculators and realty interests who wanted clear sailing for their own agendas that we saw prior to the big clean-up that started eight years ago.
     A diligent and vigilant press and an informed public will make it tougher on the shady activities of the old guard, even though the majority of the incoming board seems to have ties to them.

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