Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Now we'll see if the big change changes anything

    The votes are in, the people have spoken, and all those other cliche's that follow disputatious campaigns.
    Now we'll see if THIS vote for change really changes anything.
    We have five new commissioners who will hit the ground. The running part is over, now it's time to deliver.
     The result, on the face of it, is merely a return to where the county was eight years ago; more growth, less planning for growth, resulting in wild swings of adequacy and tax rates.
     But there they are, so it is up to those who would have had different results to serve as the loyal opposition -- or to merely capitulate and let it be. Give the new board some time to work things out, learn realities, and get on with representing -- or leading -- county residents.
     That's at the local level. Same rules should apply at the state level. O'Malley won, Ehrlich lost, get over it. But will we? Or will we push back again, mobilize the conservative interests in the overwhelming majority of counties to ensure that O'Malley and the Democrats fail, just as the Right continues to do all it can to ensure that O'Bama fails, and becomes a one-term President?
    Do we work collaboratively to make the adjustments to ideas and bring about some positive results, or will we see more gridlock, leading to dead in the water government, uncertainty, inconsistency?
    To be sure, there are and always have been elements in politics dedicated to their partisan mission, rather than the best interests for the public. That's why you have Tea Party types who are not sure what's wrong -- or what's going on -- but they know they don't like it. So change the channel again, and maybe there's a better show somewhere else.
    Nobody loves the guy who sits with the remote and keeps changing the channel, but we do it every four years -- getting to be every two years -- in our elections. It's time to settle down and give a real chance to people who get elected to bring about something better.
    Right, Left or whatever; if we want to march, we should get into step and stop changing direction willy-nilly. We are getting nowhere this way.

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