Monday, July 30, 2012

Romney should have stayed home

     Four years ago, then candidate Barack Obama went to Europe to let people see a potential American President.
     Thousands filled the streets to hear him speak and get a look at him. There was talk of an American leader, at last, with a world view and understanding that America, while great, was not the center of the universe.
     Obama came home, inspired Americans as much as he inspired Europeans, got elected, and ran into the brick wall of resistance from the Right. He was criticized for trying to make America like Europe. He was dismissed as a leader because he could not bring the radical Left and the Radical Right together to deal with an economy that had begun to fail before he became President.
     Last week, candidate Mitt Romney went to London, also presumably to let people see that he was competent in world politics. He ticked off the British in the middle of their golden moment, hosts of the world Olympics. Then he visited Israel and threatened Iran, and met with rich campaign donors, shutting out the press and the rest of the world.
     If he didn't come home with money, he should have stayed home.
     Actually, they could have mailed him a check and America would have been better served.

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