Wednesday, July 18, 2012

No splash, just treading water

     When know-nothing candidates seek political office with nothing but a misguided agenda to undo previous works, you wind up with a do-nothing board of commissioners.
     I have to give this board credit for learning on the job.
     So far, they've learned that not having a master plan is not an option. They've learned that idealistic slogans and good intentions don't make trash go away, and there is a limit to the virtues of recycling.
     They're learning that when you spend government money and time and effort to take an airport plan to a certain level, you can't just quit and pretend you still have a viable runway and a plan for the future. Nor can you make the debt disappear just because you don't like it.
     They are learning, or will learn, that land bought for future use because others had a vision of future needs might appear to the unitiated to be a waste of money and resources, but you won't be able to buy it or build it at today's value later, when you will, inevitably, need it.
     Ah, there's that word. Vision. I forget that this bunch is focused on the rear view mirror, or the funhouse perspectives of their more ardent supporters, few bud noisy and well-funded.
     Some poor souls, down the road, are going to have to raise a lot of revenue to catch up after the short-sighted actions of this so-called group of conservatives.
     They were going to make a splash, but they're just treading water. Hope the citizens don't drown in their wake.

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