Tuesday, January 17, 2012

GOP: Study in diversity

     Now they are down to five, with the departure of Huntsman, but the GOP has become so diverse, they may be unable to find a leader.
     How did it come to pass that the Democrats, long known for their inability to show a cohesive face in American politics, now can be seen as more stable that the Republicans?
     What the various factions of the GOP seem to want for President is Anybody Except Obama, which leads me to think they should no longer be called GOP -- Government Of the People -- but AEO, and I could have fun all day with alternative meanings for those letters.
     Here they are in January, 2012, and they are whacking at each other with greater zeal than a country gospel preacher at a whore's convention.
     They want someone as electable as Romney, as nasty as Gingrich, as simplistic as Paul, as good ol' boy as Perry and as socially conservative as Santorum. But when you try to pin them down, the result still comes up, "None of the Above."
     Wonder if that will be a choice on the Republican primary ballot in Maryland?

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