Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This is real News! Front page stuff!

    Sarah Palin defends Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! Donald Trump leads field for presidential nod!
    Super rich pay less in taxes! Half pay no tax at all!
    Local Tea Party activist sends out email: 100 show up to defend prayer at county meetings!
    Headlines have a way of attracting people who want to be part of them, whether on the national scene or locally. Because politics, you see, is about PUBLICITY! Duh.
    Substance? Hardly matters. It's the instant polls that drive the issues.
    If things play out like this, we could see some interesting tickets in the next elections.
    The Donald will never be President, but then I said the likes of Sarah Palin could never win a spot on a national GOP ballot. Shows what I know about politics. I expect things to make sense, silly me.
    What might the Tea Party crowd cobble together to run against the real Republicans?
How about Palin for President, Scott Walker (I hate unions but I like big-bucks contributors) for VP, and then put The Donald in as Secretary of State. He's a real take-charge guy, who said this week that he'd tell OPEC to lower oil prices, because we're Americans. He said he'd just go in and take Libya's oil. Americans are entitled to it, because we use a lot of it. If Qadaffi doesn't like it, The Donald will bray, "You're fired!"
     He will be so full of himself that he will go to the remoteness of Afghanistan and find Osama Bin Laden, who he probably thinks is Obama's twin brother, and try to tell him he's fired, too.
     Short career. But very colorful.
     The party flag, instead of saying, "Don't Tread On Me," will be be changed to say, "Don't Educate Me," which will get wild support from those who equate education with progressives and liberals.
     For Tea Party press officer, I nominate Orange County, California republican leader and Tea Party activist Marilyn Davenport, who got national recognition this week by sending out a photo-shopped picture of a chimpanzee family with a child who's face was -- well, it was the President of The United States of America.
     She said she was sorry; didn't stop to think it might be inappropriate, but then she quoted the Bible, and explained, "I'm just an imperfect Christian, trying to live a Christ-like life."
      Well, okay, then.

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