Friday, April 1, 2011

Donuts for the tea party

     I have to say I can't remember having as much fun in budget discussions as the current board of commissioners seemed to be having on Thursday. It was a party atmosphere, lots of laughter and jocularity as they speculated on the consequences of tax cuts.
     Was that a tea party going on?
     Actually, they didn't consider consequences. They're focused on sending a message, or messages.
     After all, their base is expecting tax cuts and less spending. And the most active and ardent factions of that conservative base are not interested in the consquences. They want more than mere good sense and common sense frugality.
     They want more money for donuts.
     Message number one is for that constituency. We're looking first at how we can cut the school budget and other budgets to give taxpayers back just about enough money to buy a couple of boxes of donuts.
     Message two is, Bread and water for teachers, parents and students.
     Message three is, If you don't like it, Off with your heads. Send your kids to private schools.
     The donut eaters are perfectly happy with the schools the way they were twenty or forty years ago. It was good enough for them and it's good enough today. They paid their taxes when their kids were in school. It never seems to occur to them that in previous years, others with no kids in schools helped fund public education.
    They don't require or expect a good learning environment in well-maintained schools, staffed with adequate and fairly compensated staff.
     Not if it means giving up donuts.


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