Monday, September 17, 2012

More reasons to leave the Republican Party

      Reasons 34, 42, 51 to change your party affiliation to Independent if you are now a registered Republican:
     34. Hypocrisy about voter fraud. On the pretext that Democrats were stuffing ballot boxes with the votes of dead people, the GOP has engaged in an on-going strategy to disenfranchise voters who are not registered Republicans. It started years ago, and during the early 2000s, Republican "volunteers" pushed to have Democrats purged from the voting lists, particularly in Baltimore and the Washington suburbs. Meanwhile, other "volunteers" offered to help senior citizens register to vote by going to nursing homes and attempting to not only register voters, but to get the proxy to file their ballot for them. How generous.
      It was going on all over the country, part of a national GOP strategy. Now, in Texas, 80,000 voters have received letters from the state saying they are officially dead, and if they do not call in to re-register, their votes will not count in the next election. People who call in are put on hold, sometimes for as long as an hour. An examination shows that most of the people receiving the notification are, indeed, alive, most are black or Hispanic, and almost all are Democrat. When the mayor of Houston called out the state official (Republican, of course) who ordered the notifications, the state official threatened to cut off state funding to Houston.
     42.  When candidates Romney and then Ryan were caught deliberately misrepresenting welfare facts in an attempt to discredit the Obama administration, a GOP campaign official said, "We're not going to have our campaign strategy dictated by a bunch of fact-checkers."
     51.  In the midst of an international crisis during which an American ambassador and three other U.S diplomats are murdered in Libya, a desperate Mitt Romney blames it all on President Obama for "apologizing for America," an egregious display of pandering to the more jingoistic elements of the Right Wing. When even Republicans question the tactic, pointing out that 1) there was no apology, just a condemnation of an irresponsible film insulting Islam, made BEFORE the attack on the consulate, and  2) the comment was made by the very people who were then killed, and not the President, the GOP candidate doubles down and says the President was still responsible because it happened on his watch. Really!
     If the GOP is so desperate to return to the White House that it won't even stand with the rest of us in times of crisis, why should we trust them to serve anyone but the money changers later.
     Those who cannot stomach changing their party affiliation to Democrat can still salvage their integrity by changing to Unaffiliated, regardless off how they vote on election day.
     There are three reasons. If you can't fill in some of the blanks, you haven't been paying enough attention.

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