Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Slow down and smell the exhaust

    Put me down for being in favor of the speed cameras put up along 795 to snag drivers going more than 12 mph over the limit.
    I know it makes True Patriots walk in tight little circles when Gov'mint gets between them and their rights, but 60 is fast enough on just about any highway, especially if it's one I happen to find myself compelled to travel from time to time.
     So if you get busted and it costs you $40 for speeding along at 72, I have no sympathy for you. Do it again, please, and give up the privilege of driving for awhile. It's better without you on the road.
     In fact, I'm the guy who's grinning at you when I pass you on any road where a trooper has you pulled over for driving stupid. I consider speeders, phone texters or talkers, lane dodgers and aggressive tailgaters more dangerous to me and the people I care about than any street thug. Drug dealers are less likely to put me or my loved ones in the grave -- or a wheelchair -- let alone weeks in rehab, than the speeder running late to preschool with the little darlings strapped into the back seat of her ton and a half road torpedo.
     When I see one of the offenders get a ticket, I want to break into song; but I promise not to put it on YouTube, or whatever site it was that Commissioner Robin Frazier mistook for America Has Talent when she recently warbled that ditty about whatever it was.
     I agree that a sense of humor is essential if you're going to be in public office, but the idea is to get the public laughing with you, not at you . . .

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