Monday, March 5, 2012

It will take more than two to equal one in this case

     So Larry Twele reads the dregs in the bottom of the teacup and wisely leaves the Carroll County Economic Development job to take a similar position in Howard County. Twele, who replaced then and again Jack Lyburn, had the respect of economic thinkers all over Maryland and beyond, is better for the experience in Carroll County, which he left in better shape than he found it.
    The county was well served while he was here. He laid the groundwork for most of the things that the current commissioners are taking credit for, and I said when he left that Carroll County would have a hard time finding someone with decent credentials to replace him. I said the same thing about the Department of Planning when Steve Horn left.
     People who value their own credibility in economic development and in planning are particular about who they work for.
     The county leaders have hired two to replace Twele, but it will take more than these two to equal the one that they lost. You know you have a problem when the commissioners spin the previously undisclosed bankruptcy of one of the new hires as fortuitous, because he knows what that feels like.
     Hey, in these hard times, it happens. But we're supposed to think it's wonderful?
    When I had no other choices as a young homeowner, I had to buy retreads for my car, but I never tried to convince anyone, not even myself, that they were as good as a brand new set of Goodyears.

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