Thursday, July 28, 2011

NOW do you get "gradual and incremental"?

     They call themselves "Tea-party patriots," but I have referred to them as tea-baggers, because it makes them even crazier.
     It was apparent to me from the start that despite good intentions, some average, every-day folks who were frustrated with all things politics would be used and manipulated by the very kinds of cynical and ideological absolutists that are at the root of all things politics.
     Absolutism is the enemy of reason and compromise. It's the enemy of balance and fairness and, therefore, the enemy of the most fundamental ideals of democracy.
     They call themselves patriots, but they don't want democracy. They want what THEY want, and they want it NOW. They demand the right to speak for themselves, but then go to public meetings to shout down and intimidate those who have other ideas.
     They mocked my plea to work with others and make changes "gradually and incrementally."
     They refuse to compromise for the sake of getting along, and will destroy the entire structure of anything in which they gain a foothold.
     They have ruined the Republican Party. I saw it happen here in Carroll County. The absolutists tore apart the Central Committee with their bickering and name-calling, damaged several local Republican clubs, and lost credibility for themselves and those who they elect in Annapolis.
     While claiming special status as Christians and protectors of the Constitution, some of their more ardent warriors have shown a willingness to use ruthless strategies to ruin the reputations and even the financial foundations of those they see as too liberal, which includes anyone who disagrees with them.
      So American voters sent 87 of them to represent them in Congress. They have taken hostages, including those who count on Medicare and Social Security, children in public schools, the disabled, veterans, and public employees because they insist that a constitutional change be included in a vote on the debt ceiling, rather than as a separate, well-considered and thoughtfully debated separate bill.
    How's that working for you?
    We might destroy the economy with intransigence, but at least we'll have pro football for the next ten years.

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